Sunday, November 7, 2010

Liar, Liar...Pants on fire.

My ultimate goal is to become a infidelity investigator. Here are some things to think about if you want to hire an infidelity investigator to handle your doubts with your “cheating” spouse.

Do you think your spouse is cheating on you? Are things not the same? Does something seem fishy?

Have you noticed the following?
*Sudden increase in time away from home?
*Cheating spouse is “unavailable” when at work?
*Clothes smell like perfume or cologne?
*Cheating spouse carry’s more cash than normal?
*That your partner shows signs of guilt or other moodiness?

If you believe your spouse is cheating on you, you may hire a private investigator to uncover the dirty little secret. The investigator will use professional investigative techniques and tools to discover the truth.

When coming to a private investigator to handle your case, the investigator will treat your concerns with confidentiality and respect. They will listen to you concerns and ask you how you would like to go about the investigation.  You will be in control. The investigator will investigate on your spouse until you have a peace of mind. You will get updates throughout the investigation and you are in control how the evidence will be handle and what do you with it after the investigation.

To have a successful investigation, you must commit to the investigation full heartedly. You have to speak openly with the investigator and telling him everything. You must be open to knowing that this investigation may not end like you want it to. 

If you have doubts about your spouse’s extra curricular activities and can’t shake the feeling, call a local private investigator to help you uncover the truth! 

1 comment:

  1. I'm curious: what inspired you to pursue this line of work?
